Volume I - 1929 to 1990
These dogs are included in Volume I of the HOF Book
AKC Name (Year*) (Category)
Ch. Aigner Deja Vu Double O Seven (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Aigner Rum Toddy (1996) (Production)
Ch. Aigner Smart N Sassy (1998) (Production)
Ch. Aigner Take Stock in JB (1995) (Production)
Ch. Aigner Teatotaler (1994) (Production)
Ch. Aigner Vandermint (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Aigner Verbatim (1997) (Production)
Ch. Arlette de Grand Pieds CD (1997) (E*(Conformation & Production))
H Ch/Ch. Atlas de Lutece CDX HX (1995) (Herding)
Ch. Basinor Garcon de l’Heureux CDX (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Bastile (1997) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Bazil du Moulin d’Eau (1996) (Production)
Ch. Beardsanbrow’s Colonial WMBG (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Beardsanbrow’s N’est Pas UDT (1994) (Obedience & Production)
Ch. Beardsanbrow’s Norton (1994) (Production)
Ch. Beardsanbrow’s Utopia (1994) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Beardsanbrow’s V Thriller (1994) (Production)
Ch. Beardsanbrow V D’Occasion CD (1996) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Bet-Cha Brigand de Strathcona (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Bet-Cha Star Velu d’Strathcona (1996) (Production)
Ch. Bigtree-Bedlam Grampa’s Girl (1999) (Production)
Ch. Bigtree’s Brass Ring (1997) (Production)
Ch. Bigtree’s Buccaneer CD (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Bigtree’s Je Suis Enchante HX (1999) (Herding)
Ch. Bigtree’s Rapunzel (1996) (Production)
Blackwater’s Belle Isabelle HS (1995) (Herding)
Ch. Blackwater’s Caluha Joy (1997) (Production)
Ch. Bradir’s Foxlair Dangerfield (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Bradir’s Foxlair Gambler (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Brie-Zee Little Whooki UDTX (1994) (Obedience)
Ch. Brie-Zee Princess Tribble UDTX (1994) (Obedience)
Ch. Brigette de Marha (1997) (E(Production))
Ch. C’est Bonheur Tin Tin (1994) (Conformation)
Ch. C’est Bonheur Woodbine Tinsel HT (1994) (Conformation & Production)
H Ch/Ch. Chanel de Lutece et l’Eminence CDX HX (1995) (Herding)
Ch. Chaotic’s Bigtree’s Home Brew (1998) (Conformation)
Chardon’s Ain’t She Sweet (1996) (Production)
Ch. Chateaubriard Joyride (1996) (Production)
Ch. Chateaubriard Nouvelle Nova CD (1996) (Production)
Ch. Chateaubriard Vermouth CD (1996) (Production)
Ch. Chateaubriard Vichyssoise (1996) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Chef Doeuvre Caveat a la Mode (1994) (Conformation)
Ch. Chien Velu’s Caleb (1998) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Chien Velu’s Camille CD HI (1994) (Herding)
Ch. Chien Velu’s Undine Animee CD (1998) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Cicely of Northumberland (1996) (Production)
Ch. Cloud Cap’s Critical Acclaim (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Danseuse D’Occasion UD (1994) (Obedience)
Ch. Dansr Taliesin (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. De Beauxjolis Mon Ami (1995) (Production)
Ch. Deja Vu Abracadabra (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Deja Vu Aigner For Pete’s Sake (1998) (Production)
Ch. Deja Vu All the Tea in China (1996) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Deja Vu California Cooler VMJ (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Deja Vu Elementary My Dear (1998) (Production)
Ch. Deja Vu Every Little Breeze (1994) (Conformation)
Ch. Deja Vu Fractured Fairytails (1999) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Deja Vu Grand Jury (1998) (Conformation)
Ch. Deja Vu In Like Flynn (1999) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Deja Vu Instant Success (1998) (Conformation)
Ch. Deja Vu ‘Mber Waves of Grain (1999) (Conformation)
Ch. Deja Vu Woodbine Celtic’s Pride HT (1998) (Production)
Ch. Deja Vu Woodbine Cheap Thrills (1996) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Demitasse D’Occasion TD HS NA (1994) (Production)
Ch. Dromore’s Promises-Promises CD (1996) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Dromore’s Up ‘N Adam CDX TDX (1994) (Obedience)
Ch. Efrem de Bejaune (1996) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Eleuthere de Bejaune (1998) (Production)
Ch. Elisee Brice van de Hoolhoeve CDX HT (1997) (Conformation)
Enchanted Ian Maximillian HX (1995) (Herding)
H Ch. Enchanted Iris E. Fleur HX (1995) (Herding)
Ch. Era le d’Or de Beauxjolis UD (1996) (O&Production)
Ch. Esau F. de Saint Chermain (1997) (E(Conformation))
Ch. E’s Brie-Z Startrek D’Occasion UDT OA (1994) (Obedience)
Ch. Fanfaron de Lutece CD HX (1998) (Conformation/H)
Ch. Fedora de Lindeau UD NA (1998) (Conformation&O)
H Ch/Ch. Fiona du Relais de Compostelle HX (1996) (Herding)
H Ch/Ch. Fleurette de Lutece CDX HX (1995) (Herding)
Ch. Foxlair’s Vivacious Lady (1996) (Production)
Ch. Fracasse de Lindeau (1998) (Conformation)
Fripon des Hirsutes (1998) (E(Conformation))
Ch. Galinette de Musette (1998) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Gilada de Bejaune (1995) (Conformation)
Gilda la Gamine de Bejaune MX (1997) (Agility)
Ch. Grinzing’s Inspecteur de Foxlair (1998) (Conformation)
G’veret Kahlbah de Strathcona UD (1995) (Obedience&Production)
Ch. I Charlemagne chez Ciel CDX TD (1998) (E(Obedience))
Igolin Blond de la Tour St Genin (1998) (Conformation/Production)
Ch. Ike de Vasouy (1996) (Production)
Illicite D’Occasion HS MX AXJ (1997) (Agility)
Ch. I’m Brie-Z Phaser D’Occasion UDT OA NAJ (1998) (Obedience)
Ch. Irham du Grand Coudray (1998) (E(Conformation/Production))
Ch. Janus des Elfes de Malouse (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Jennie del Pastre (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. John’s Pashtu de Strathcona (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Jonette de Grand Coudray CDX (1998) (E(Obedience))
Ch. J. Poilu of Irhamont (1998) (E(Conformation))
Ch. Kaliphi Henri Hubert CD OA OAJ (1998) (Conformation)
Ch. Kaliphi U Know Mielleux Deux CD HT OA NAJ (1994) (Conformation&Agililty&Production)
Ch. Kal-Mar’s Grenny V SG (1998) (Production)
La Fleur de Lis Desiree HI (1995) (Herding)
Ch. Les Blues du Chien de Sel CD (1998) (Production)
Ch. L’Estel Blonde des Bastides SG (1998) (Conformation)
Ch. L’Heureux au Gusta de Loup d’Or (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Lindeaux Trademark (1996) (Production)
Ch. Looking for Trouble de Lindeau (1998) (Conformation)
Ch. Lorraine de la Croix (1997) (Production)
Loubar Tendresse de Guerande (1998) (Conformation)
Lucas Blond des Bastides SG (1998) (Conformation)
Ch. Lutin des Elfes des Malouse (1998) (E(Conformation))
Ch. Madelon des Sablonnieres of Irhamont (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Man de Ville’s OJ Britt (1997) (Production)
Ch. Manny’s Chelsea HI (1995) (Conformation/Herding)
Marha Magie de la Brie (1997) (Production)
Ch. Matador chez Phydeau CD (1996) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. M.C. Plaisant de Jean (1996) (Conformation)
Mielleux’s Innquest CD AX AXJ (1998) (Agiliy)
Ch. Mielleux’s Orageux de Cembre CD (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Mon Ami H Bumper VSB (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Mon Ami Ici est le Bijou VBJ UD HX OA (1994) (O&Herding)
Ch. Mon Jovis Digby de l’Etat d’Or (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Mon Jovis Dreamweaver VMA (1997) (E(Conformation/Production))
Ch. Mon Jovis Dressed to Kill (1998) (Production)
Ch. Mon Jovis Dubonnet le Berje (1995) (Conformation)
Mon Jovis Enchanted Mattie HT (1998) (Production)
Ch. Mon Jovis FC Beauregard (1998) (Production)
Ch. Mon Jovis Furry Murray (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Mon Jovis Guernesville’s Miracle (1996) (Production)
Ch. Mon Jovis I’m Forever Elliot (1998) (Conformation)
Ch. Mon Jovis Never a Mystery (1999) (Conformation)
Ch. Montagne’s Babette (1996) (Conformation)
() ()
Ch. Mousse du Coteau d’Antigo (1996) (Production)
Ch. Nanie de la Haute Tour (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Ne’ Orageux Habile Affair B CD (1998) (Conformation)
Ch. Nestor de L’Eminence (1996) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Nestor de Vasouy (1996) (E(Production))
Ch. Nightwind’s Impulsive Shopper HX NA NAJ (1998) (Herding)
Ch. Nome de L’Eminence (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Notre Rigolo de Strathcona (1997) (E(C/Production))
Onassis du Clos des Cedres (1998) (C/Production)
Ch. Pa’Chick’s Impressario CDX (1997) (E(C/O/Production))
Ch. Pa’Chick’s Ms-Be’Haven CD (1996) (Production)
Ch. Pa’Chick’s Rebel Deux (1996) (E(Production))
Ch. Pa’Chick’s Unchained Melody (1996) (Production)
Ch. Panthere del Pastre (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Perrier D’Occasion CD TDX (1994) (Obedience)
Ch. Phoebe Chez Phydeau (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Phydeaux After Hours CD (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Phydeaux Delta de Bejaune (1996) (Production)
Ch. Phydeaux Linda Lovelace (1996) (Production)
Ch. Phydeaux Luvem N Leavem CD (1996) (Production)
Ch. Phydeaux Oh Susannah CDX TD (1996) (Production)
Ch. Phydeaux Penny Lane (1996) (Conformation)
Ch. Phydeaux Peppermint Patty (1995) (Production)
Ch. Phydeaux Polly Poulet (1994) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Phydeaux Poupee de Marha (1997) (E(Production))
Ch. Phydeaux Quelques (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Phydeaux Quoin de Cuivre (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Phydeaux Take the Money N Run (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Phydeaux Tambourine (1997) (E(Conformation))
Ch. Phydeaux Theda Bara (1995) (Production)
Ch. Phydeaux Twist and Shout (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Phydeaux Usheba des Bergers (1995) (Production)
Ch. Phydeaux Velvet Cowboy (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Phydeaux What’s Happenin’ (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Phydeaux Windfall CD (1994) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Picador Temptress (1998) (Production)
Ch. Pinot Noire des Coteaux CD (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Piquantte D’Occasion (1994) (Production)
Ch. Prix Weaselle D’Occasion UDT (1994) (Obedience)
Ch. Proud Rebel de Marha (1997) (E(Production))
Ch. Pythias chez Phydeau (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Queen Elizabeth Chez Chien Velu (1997) (Production)
Ch. Que Sera Sera du le Loup D’Or CD (1996) (Production)
Ch. Radieux Adds Up Right (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Radieux Aujourd Hui (1994) (Conformation)
Ch. Radieux Deja Vu Mon Jovis G Wiz (1998) (Conformation)
Ch. Ralph des Elfes de Malouse CD (1996) (Production)
Ch. Regent de la Pommeraie (1997) (E(Conformation))
Ch. Reine des Elfes de Malouse (1997) (Production)
Ch. Rejoui Turquoise de Capucine (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Reve Doux de Mielleux (1996) (Conformation/Production)
Ch. Richlen Erin Go Bragh CD (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Richlen Steppenwolf (1996) (Production)
Ch. Rochelle de Marha UD (1997) (O/Production)
Ch. Silvermoon la Joie de Vivre UD (1997) (O/Production)
Ch. Sirene du le Loup d’Or CDX (1997) (Obedience)
Ch. Sirhan Drover (1996) (Production)
Ch. Snoaire’s Here’s Lila Charles CD HX (1997) (Herding)
Ch. Southpaw’s Give Em Hell Hairy HX (1995) (Herding)
Ch. Stonehill’s I’m Henri (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Sultan d’Esprit (1996) (Production)
Ch. Suzon du Coteau D’Avranches CD (1997) (Production)
Ch. Tanzy D’Occasion CDX TD (1994) (Conformation/Obedience)
Ch. Tigresse de Patriche (1996) (Production)
Ch. Tison du Coteau d’Avranches (1997) (C/Production)
Ch. Tosca de l’Eminence CD (1995) (Conformation & Production)
Travailleur Gauche (1998) (E(Other Working))
Ch. Tres Bien chez Rogues de Brie (1996) (Production)
Ch. Uffin Berger du Nord (1997) (E(Production))
Ch. U Know Darin’ To Bea Kaliphi CD TD (1996) (Production)
Ch. U Know Mielleux de Bonheur CD (1996) (Production)
Ch. Umbi Chabiv de Strathcona CD (1995) (Conformation)
Ch. Unique vd Ridderweide (1996) (Production)
Ch. Uther Bijou de Strathcona (1996) (Production)
Ch. Uziz Akshanit de Strathcona (1995) (Production)
Vin Marque de Grand Couer (1997) (E(Production))
Virage Vendetta of Picador (1998) (Conformation & Production)
Ch. Viva Maude chez Rogues de Brie CD (1996) (Production)
Ch. Vixen de Patriche (1997) (Production)
Ch. Walton’s Etienne UD (1997) (E(Obedience))
Ch. Westlawn Banda of Irhamont (1998) (E(Conformation/Production))
Ch. Westlawn+A19:F222 Belfair (1998) (E(Production))
Volume II - 1990 to 2000
These dogs are included in Volume II of the HOF Book
AKC Name (Year*) (Category)
University Name
Volume III - 2000 to 2010
These dogs are included in Volume III of the HOF Book
Avantage 'N Dallas de Lalique
Best Bêtes l'Ourse The'odore
Best Bêtes Rambling Rose
Bigtree’s Angelique du Pres
Bigtree's Dragonslayer CD
Bigtree's Travis McGee
Bigtree’s Prima Donna
Bigtree's Demande l'Equalizer
Bijou Spur of the Moment CDX RAE PT MX MXJ XF VTX
Blackwater Aria d'Amour de Tosca CD RA MXC MJB2 MXP MJP2
Blackwater Hug E'Bear Nanjere HS HI HXAs
Blue Moon Logan de l’Etat d’Or
Briaramour's Enchanted Rio-Zia NA NAJ
Briardale USS Boston Terrior
Briardle Oneforthebks Dlebec UDX2 RE NA OAP NJP
Cacharel N Bigtrees Boomer
Caillon d'Verite' du le Loup d'Or
Celebra's Redhot Chilipepper HSCs HICs HXCs
Celebra's Tres Aide Joyeux CD RA NAJ
Celebra Tia Twinkling Star
Celebratia Bestbangfordabuck
Celebratia Thewholeenchilada HSCs
Celebra Tia Tintinabulation HSCs HXCs
Chablondeaux Remlee at Brimont
Chien Velu's Just Rutherford CD HSAs HIAs OA OAP NAJ NJP
Dakar du Chemin du Rocailles
Dante Bohemia Elite THDN
Deja Vu Buck Naked PT
Deja Vu Dior True Blue
Deja Vu Four Leaf Clover
Deja Vu Intrepid
Deja Vu Just A Gigolo
Deja Vu King Oaks Notorius
Deja Vu Looney Toons
Deja Vu MMMM Good Bijou CD RA OAP OJP
Mokie Deja Vu Mona Lisa
Deja Vu Nine Inch Nails
Deja Vu Nine to Five
Deja Vu Purple Haze
Deja Vu Purple People Eater
Deja Vu Ruffles Have Ridges PT
Deja Vu Runaroud Sue
Deja Vu Section Eight RN
Deja Vu Ten
Deja Vu Under My Thumb
Deja Vu Up Close and Personal
Deja Vu Vital Signs
Dior Aigner Made To Order
Dior Boyz Satin Doll
Dior Boyz Undefeated Vlad UD RA OA AXJ
Dior Rainbeard On the Ball
Dior Rainbeard Over Easy
Dior Vale Tudo UDX3 OM4 RA AX AXJ
Dior Oo La La RE AX AXJ
Eastbay Obearon CD RN AX AXJ AXP AJP
Elan Dior Rain In Spain
El Dragon Magique De Lindeau
Enchanted Cha Chien
Enchanted Count Wallace MXS MJB MXP2 MJP2
Enchanted Oracle At Delphi UDX RAE MX MXJ OAP AJP OF OFP
Enchanted Osceola des Bastides
Enchanted Petite Pasikola CD RE HSCs HICs HXCs OA NAJ AXP AJP
Fairytale's Aramis
Fairytale's Balthazar Le Sage
Fantastic Alanco
Fleur-de-Lis de Lindeau
Fox Lair Majesty
Gillian de Bejaune
Glendrovers Riante Angelique CD RN AX MXJ
Glendrovers River of Dreams MX MXJ MXP MJP NFP
Glendrovers Sir Maxwell UDX RE NA
Glendrovers Taloolah Sunrise CDX RAE HSCs
Hubert le Hallmark de Lindeau
Iowa Blonde de la Tour Saint Genin
K’Instant Success Moravia Campenella
Kaliphi Jadzia Dax
Kaliphi T-Pring
Kings Oaks Nouveau Matisse UD MX MXB MXJ MJB
L’Heureux Beardsandbrow’s Nike
La Diamante de Bejaune
Le Lascar Galant de L'Heureux CD
Lebec’s Noblesse Ready To Rumble
Lebec's Olivia Newton-John
Mon Amie's Vane of My Heart RE MX MXS MXJ MJC NAP OJP MXF
Mon Jovis Dior O You Beautiful Doll CD
Montagne Hallmark De Lindeau HS
Nanjere Oscar Chu E' Bear HSAs HIAs HXAs
Ne Orageaux’s Lethal Weapon
Ne Orageux's Poco-Loco
Norilyn Joyeux Lopi Doux
Nuview's Spirit in the Sky
Nyckel de Bejaune
Oh Say Can You See des Edennes de Colmel
Out of the Blue de l'Heureux MX MXJ
Peche Parfaite de Bejaune
Philaine de Bejaune CDX RE AX AXJ OF
Phoenix de Bejaune
Popsakadoo Deja Vu Bad Seed
Popsakadoo Deja Vu Bono
Popsakadoo Sorciere de Salem
Popsakadoo's L'Etoile de Lebec
Random Ecounter de L'Heureux
Rhea II du Moulin d'Eau
Rites of Spring de L'Heureux PT MX MXB MXJ MJB
Rodin du Moulin deau ***Judy Schramm is working on it***
Sagi Snoaire Over the Rainbow
Sendero’s Our Tornado
Sendero's Lil Lead Shot
Sendero's Lillian
Sendero's Sterling Gray Ghost
Sentinelle’s Last Chance
U Know Dede la Voyageur du Lhut CD
Ungar of the Coastline
Unique Hengo des Uns et des Autres
CH Votre Magic Marker De Lindeau
Volume IV - 2010 to 2020
These dogs are included in Volume IV of the HOF Book
GCHS CH Celebratia's Vintage Eighty-four
GCHP CH Celebra's Good Time Was Had by All
GCHG CH Celebra's Good Enough for Government Work